Minefield Crossing Sandals (MiCS)

Minefield Crossing Sandals (MiCS)
Minefield Crossing Sandals (MiCS)
Minefield Crossing Sandals (MiCS)
Minefield Crossing Sandals (MiCS)

The SE264 Minefield Crossing Sandals (MiCS) represent a totally unique concept and are built on the theory of air cushioning and redistribution of weight, thereby supporting the body while reducing the point load pressure in relationship to areas suspected or known to contain mines.

The concept, though unique, is extremely simple and works by evenly distributing the user's weight over a wide area, in a uniform manner, meaning that the actual pressure exerted on the mine will be less than the operational threshold required to detonate the mine.

Unlike the ‘Mine Boot’ available from several other manufacturers, specifically designed to prevent traumatic amputation and to help reduce limb damage to a recoverable minimum in mine detonations, the MiCS are designed to ensure that mine does not detonate at all.

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