Vulcan Shaped-Charge Kit

Vulcan Shaped-Charge Kit

The Vulcan Shaped-Charge Kit must be one of the most cost-effective, easily and safely transportable items of equipment designed to destroy or disrupt unexploded munitions and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Vulcan consists of an eay-to-use kit from which a smaill, explosively-formed shaped charge projectile can be fired at an exact point on a suspect 'target'. Vulcan's plastic body is internally shaped to accept a user-filled charge of plastic explosive, a selected projectile, as well as a detonator.  Varoius types of projectile can be selected from the kit, depending on the type of device to be destroyed.

Vulcan's user-filled charges can be safely transported as a set of inert components, then assembled by the operator and filled with plastic explosive to meet specific applications.

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